WAPDA launches project for 300 MW floating solar power generation

8 months ago 84

The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Monday has embarked on a groundbreaking project aimed at producing 300 megawatts of cost-effective electricity through solar panels.

A delegation from approximately 21 foreign companies keenly interested in securing contracts for the project conducted on-site inspections at the Ghazi Barotha Dam and Barotha Jail locations.

The project, set to be completed within 27 months, secured a substantial financial boost from the World Bank (WB), with a funding allocation of $326 million. WAPDA has taken significant measures in advancing the initiative, focusing on the utilization of floating solar panels, also referred to as floating solar panels.

Detailed briefings on the project’s specifics were presented by the General Manager and Project Director (PD) Tarbela Dam Zahoor Atiq, along with Waseem Raza, Chief Engineer of the Tarbela Expansion Project.

Upon the project’s successful completion, an impressive three megawatts of affordable electricity are expected to be generated. The World Bank’s substantial contribution of $326 million underscores the global significance of this endeavor.—APP