Siraj terms awakening of youth crucial to break status quo

4 months ago 38

Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Sirajul Haq has termed the awakening and struggle of the young generation as crucial to break the status quo in the country.

Talking to media persons at the Islami Jamiat Talba (IJT) head office in Ichra on Monday, he criticized the former governments of PML-N, PPP, and PTI for failing to honor their promises regarding the restoration of student unions.

Sirajul Haq attributed the initial ban on student unions to a dictator’s decision, followed by subsequent governments’ reluctance to lift the ban due to fears that heightened political awareness among students would threaten the interests of feudal and corrupt imperialists. He announced that JI would promptly restore student unions and allocate seven percent of the GDP to education after coming into power. The IJT is conducting a referendum in favor of its demands, which will continue until December 14. Commenting on the Indian Supreme Court’s decision regarding the special status of Occupied Kashmir, the JI chief stated that the decision was expected and aligned with the BJP government’s controversial and illegal move to revoke the region’s special status in 2019. He asserted that the Kashmiri people’s movement for freedom from Indian occupation would not be deterred by such tactics. Despite Indian atrocities.