Nadra new Smart NICOP fee update for UAE region December 2023

7 months ago 104

LAHORE – NADRA is the competent authority to issue new Smart National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (SNICOP), a registration document issued to an eligible citizen of Pakistan who lives or has reference abroad.

Any citizen of Pakistan can apply for Smart NICOP and can travel to Pakistan without requiring a visa in case of dual nationnality. The passport number is a mandatory pre-requisite in case of applying for this document of new born babies if they are born abroad.

Pakistani citizens residing in United Arab Emirates (UAE) and other countries can obtain their new Smart NICOP by visiting any Nadra centre across the country.

Pakistanis living in the UAE can use the Pak Identity app of Nadra to apply for renewal of the NICOP without visiting the centre.

NADRA offers two fee structures for Smart NICOP based on the region. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) falls in Zone B and following is the fee for this region: