iPhone 13 Pro Max PTA Tax in Pakistan 2023

6 months ago 40

iPhones make up most products in the circular supply chain as the company’s revenue moves up amid slowing global demand for devices.

People in Pakistan, and India are also getting their hands on the latest Apple devices known for top features and brand value. The company introduced a generation of iPhones for a while now and the phones with top features remain a popular choice due to top Premium Build Quality, Brand Value, and Import Taxes and Tariffs.

From the finest hardware to a user-friendly interface, iPhones are way ahead of Android devices. Its processor and display remain its unique selling point while its high-end hardware makes it stand out among the top devices.

With increasing demand, the price of Apple phones is flying off the shelves, and even older generation models including iPhone 13, and iPhone 13 Pro Max, are now popular among those who could not be able to get their hands on new devices.

Expensive phones like the iPhone 13 attracted huge taxes. government imposed Customs Duty, Regulatory Duty, Sales Tax, and Federal Excise Duty on iPhones and other high-end devices.

iPhone 13 PTA Tax With Passport 

Models Tax on Passport
iPhone 13 Rs118,380
iPhone 13 mini Rs113,665
iPhone 13 Pro Rs133,158
iPhone 13 Pro Max Rs137,873

iPhone 13 PTA Tax With CNIC 

Models Tax on CNIC
iPhone 13 Rs142,868
iPhone 13 mini Rs137,682
iPhone 13 Pro Rs159,124
iPhone 13 Pro Max Rs164,310
