How to download e-driving license on mobile phone to avoid challan?

6 months ago 123

LAHORE – It is mandatory for people to carry driving license with them while driving a motorbike, car or any other vehicle in Lahore and other cities of Punjab.

The Traffic Police Punjab is the competent authority to issue driving license to eligible persons across the province.

The license is issued by the relevant department after assessing the driving skills of the applicant. Traffic police officials deployed at various points in Lahore can demand the driving license from the driver to verify it.

In case of failing to provide the driving permit, a traffic challan is issued to the citizen by the police. Sometimes, a citizen forgets his/her driving license while leaving the home in hurry or loses it.

For this situation, the Punjab Police have launched an online service that provides a soft copy of the driving license to the citizens, who can keep it in their smartphones and show to the traffic cops when they demands it.

Citizens of Lahore need to simply visit the website; You will find the e-license option in the License Info tab.

After selecting the e-license option, you need to add your CNIC number and date of birth. Later, click the download button and you will get the PDF copy of the license.