Genocide of Palestinians by Israel

6 months ago 43

THERE is a criminal silence of the international community over the massacre of Palestinians at the hands of aggressor Zionist State of Israel. The worst part of this Israeli aggression is the killing of over 500 Palestinians in a single attack on Gaza’s al-Ahli Arab Hospital on 17 October 2023. Until now, Israel killed over 3600 Palestinians since the start of its aggression on Gaza on 7 October 2023. There are over 8000 Palestinians, lying injured in various parts of Gaza, waiting for treatment. After the provocative visit of US Secretary of State, President Joe Biden visited Israel and assured Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of full US support. President Biden said, “I come to Israel with a single message; you’re not alone. As long as the United States stands and we will stand forever, we will not let you ever be alone.”

This statement from the President of a superpower means a lot. This clearly means that Israeli aggression against innocent people of Palestine is supported by the United States and its allies world-wide. While President Biden was on his visit to Israel, the US vetoed the Brazilian sponsored ceasefire resolution at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). This UNSC resolution was being supported by a majority of members of the Security Council. The US veto generated criticism of American double standards and accusations that the United States, which had criticized Russia for paralyzing the Council on the war in Ukraine, was impeding the work of the Council.” Vetoing the UNSC ceasefire resolution means that the US/West is giving a licence to Israel for killing the Palestinians at will.

This is the height of being biased and unjust on the part of the US. This means the US and West fully support the aggression and killing of poor and innocent people of Palestine. While Israeli military is killing Palestinians at will, President Biden was stating example of; “millennia of anti-Semitism and the genocide of the Jewish people.” It is a shame on the part of President Biden and the US as a sole superpower. Biden neither sympathized with Palestinians, those killed by Israeli military nor asked for the stoppage of Israeli aggression against innocent Palestinians. Rather, he was more concerned about the safety of Israelis. He said, “The State of Israel was born to be a safe place for the Jewish people of the world. That’s why it was born. I’ve long said if Israel didn’t exist, we’d have to invent it. While it may not feel that way today, Israel must again be a safe place for the Jewish people.”

The American and western support for Israel and Zionists is a clear indication that the US is behind Israel’s greater plan of evicting the Palestinians from their homeland and securing the entire Arab State for expanded settlements of Zionist State of Israel; the Greater Israel. This all has been happening systematically since decades. Indeed, the Biden Administration has started supporting the Israeli state from where the Trump Administration left. During the four-year rule of President Trump, the US secured unprecedented gains for the illegal state of Israel. To name a few; on 25 March 2019 US President Donald Trump, officially announced recognition of Golan Heights as a sovereign part of the state of Israel. Golan Heights, the Syrian territory, has been under occupation of Israel since 1967, occupied during a six-day war.

Earlier, on 6 December 2017 President Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and stated that the American embassy would be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This move was practically implemented by the US and until now many more states have moved their embassies to Jerusalem despite a clear defeat of the US move in the United Nations General Assembly. Indeed, this is part of the gradual consolidation over the occupied Palestinian land by the state of Israel which is a clear expression of its expansionist designs. Unfortunately, the United States is fully backing these expansionist designs of the Israeli state, rather, the US seems to be the architect of this entire move. Indeed, the instability in the Middle East has been fully used by Israel for its expansion on the land of Palestinian.

In recent years, most of the Arab states have overtly and covertly recognized the state of Israel which goes against their traditional stance as well as the illegal occupation of Palestinian land by Israel. It appears that most of the ruling elite in the Arab world are in a race to develop closer ties with Israel while comprising the Arab Land under Israeli occupation. The contemporary ruling elite of the Arab world protect the US and Israeli interests more than their own interests which speak of their inclination and future leadership trends. While the Arab elite secure the Israeli and American interests, the Arab masses seem discontented but subjugated.

A critical analysis of the on-going situation in the Middle East would reveal that Israel could not have dared to attack Gaza with all military means had there been an unyielding and uncompromised Arab world. The repeated massacres of Palestinians at the hands of ruthless Israeli forces has been made possible only because of an indolent Arab ruling elite whose interests lies in the Western capitals and they receive dictates from Washington, London, Paris and Tel Aviv. The Arab ruling elite must understand that the US-backed Israeli aggression against Palestinians is aimed at attaining an ultimate Greater Israeli state which will rule the Arab world through a compromised Arab ruling elite.

— The writer is Professor of Politics and IR at International Islamic University, Islamabad.

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