Bilawal warns against ‘rigged, manipulated’ polls

8 months ago 99
Tariq Saeed Peshawar

Expressing serious apprehensions that the results of the forthcoming general election, scheduled to be held in February 2024, may be manipulated to impose a particular party, Chairman Pakistan People’s Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Monday warned his party would not accept the results of the rigged elections.

“The results of the upcoming polls might have been decided, The Caretakers appointed only to oversee the country’s affairs till an elected government takes charge were favoring a particular Party. If the elections are rigged or manipulated in favor of a particular Party, we will offer stiff resistance and not accept the results,” Bilawal Bhutto said in reference to PML-N that has been under sharp criticism from him. He was addressing a public rally in connection with electioneering in Noshehra district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

On the other hand Bilawal Bhutto’s PPP’s has been calling for a “level-playing field”, casting serious apprehensions that caretakers were favoring the Pakistan Muslim League-N. Bilawal has been hitting hard on the PML, which he terms as Mehengai League, for promoting traditional politics saying contrary to its slogan Vote ko Izzat Do , PML N has ruined the sanctity of vote. He has also asked Mian Nawaz Sharif to sit at home and let the young blood rule the country.

Reiterating his demand for transparent polls, Bilawal warned his party would not accept the elections if anyone interfered with the results, adding his party will only accept the choice of the people, not anyone else. He said that the only solution out of the quagmire for the country is transparent polls and the masses will no longer accept the selected rule as they already bear the brunt of it.

“There’s no use of an election if the results are pre-decided and if anyone becomes the prime minister through rigged elections, then others will definitely protest and hold sit-ins against the newly formed government.