‘Basant to be celebrated in Pakistan in mid-February despite ban on kite flying’

7 months ago 188

ISLAMABAD — Basant, the famous spring festival that was marked by kite-flying has been banned for last two decades over the loss of lives but people in Punjab are planning to celebrate the spring event in mid-February next year.

Kite Flying Association made announcement on Tuesday to celebrate Basant on February 9 in Rawalpindi Cantt whereas the traditional spring festival will be celebrated on February 16 in Rawalpindi City.

The association announced the schedule of celebrating Basant – the spring festival characterized by flying of kites, feasts, and various cultural activities – despite the stern restriction on Basant by the government due to the loss of lives in last few years.

During the kite flying and festivity, the usage of metallic strings and those breaking the rules will face jail time, the association announced.

Kite Flying Association also highlighted the dangers posed by plastic and metallic strings for human lives.

A special Basant night will be arranged on Feb 8 at sunset and continue until till midnight and the second such event will be held on Feb 15.

It further said in case of rainfall on Feb 9 or 16, Basant will be rescheduled for the next week but announced against cancelling it in any way.

Kite flying ban openly violated as ‘Basant’ celebrated