Address APUBTA’s grievances

6 months ago 43

ALL Public Universities BPS Teachers Association (APUBTA) are protesting in the federal capital seeking approval of a service structure and promotion policy, a commitment that the HEC had previously made in writing. The absence of such a fundamental framework has created an atmosphere of uncertainty and dissatisfaction, thus hurting the morale of the educators who are integral to fostering a robust educational ecosystem.

For more than two decades, the Higher Education Commission has grappled with neglecting the legitimate rights of these educators, promising action but consistently failing to deliver on its commitments. This has perpetuated an environment rife with seniority disputes and stunted career progression, significantly undermining the morale and motivation of the very individuals responsible for shaping the minds of the country’s future generations. It is imperative to acknowledge that the welfare of university teachers is inextricably linked to the quality of education imparted to students. A secure and conducive working environment directly translates to a more engaged and motivated teaching force, fostering an atmosphere of academic excellence and innovation. By neglecting the legitimate demands of the university teachers, we risk compromising the very foundation of our educational system, thwarting the aspirations of the youth and impeding the progress of the nation as a whole. It is imperative that the HEC upholds its commitment to the advancement of the education sector by prioritizing the rights and wellbeing of those at the forefront of shaping the future of Pakistan. Empowering university teachers through a well-defined career progression path will not only instil a sense of security and stability but will also serve as a catalyst for fostering a culture of academic excellence and research innovation. As a nation, it is our collective responsibility to stand in solidarity with the educators who dedicate their lives to nurturing the minds of the next generation. The time has come for the Higher Education Commission to demonstrate its unwavering support for the cause of university teachers and take concrete steps to establish a fair and transparent framework that honour their contributions and upholds the dignity of the teaching profession. Only by championing the rights of our educators can we genuinely pave the way for a brighter, more enlightened future for Pakistan.